* Suresh Ramasubramanian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000731 13:20]:

>> Which leads to the question: why does syntax detection work on all
>> mails except that have been postponed and are recalled?

> Mutt uses a totally different naming syntax (apparently a random
> string - not mutt-hostname-foo) for postponed or recalled messages.
> So that does not match the regexp being checked for.

Citing the vim manual:

> The type of highlighting will be selected using the file name
> extension, and sometimes using the first line of the file.

So it should make no difference if recalled postponed messages are
named "mutt-hostname-foo" or "mutt837rsd7348". Still, apparently it

To work around the problem I put

au BufNewFile,BufRead /tmp/mutt* set syntax=mail

in my .vimrc.

christian molls
student of laws
univ of cologne

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