On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 12:00:32PM +0200, Jan Houtsma wrote:

> Where can i find a decent RunningX script?
> What i want is to run netscape only when i run mutt locally on my pc at home
> within the window manager. However when i am at work and telnet to my house
> and start mutt from there i don't want it to start netscape but lynx or w3m.
> Testing only $DISPLAY isn't good enough cause when i telnet to house 
> it's still set to :0. And also X is found to be a running process because
> at home i only locked my screen.
> So i am looking for a way to test if i am running mutt really locally.

I have the same situation, except that I run mutt on my workstation at
work and telnet from home.  I use the RunningX program available from



Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | RF Communications Product Generation Unit
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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