GianPiero Puccioni muttered:
> I am using mutt 1.2.4i on a RedHat 6.1 using KDE and Konsole as a
> terminal. I installed it with the RPM found in
> For some reason the <end> key doesn't work, all the other keys, <home>,
> <PageUp> <PageDown>, etc  work but <end> doesn't.

Sorry can't help you with that. I use rh 6.2 and everything works fine.

> How do you get back to the spoolfile from another mailbox? As an Elm
> user I tried "c !" and it works (and afterwards I found it in the doc)
> but the Help lists it as "shell escape".

'!' means even more :) It's a shortcut for $spoolfile, logical not
operator in regexps and it is the default key bound to <shell-escape>.
That's why the help only tells you about <shell-escape>. Ah, forgot
one, it's the flagged message marker.

> Same thing for "<" that change to the "record" mailbox, while ">"
> doesn't seem to work as it tries to move to ~/mbox even if I set it
> to a different file (unless I did something wrong).

'>' refers to $mbox. Probably you didn't set $mbox in your muttrc. It
defaults to ~/mbox I think.
See the manual section 4.7

> In the help there is also a definition for <Tab> as: 
> "toggle-mailboxes"  toggle whether to browse mailboxes or all files 
> but I can't understand what it means as I use <Tab> from the "Open
> mailbox ('?' for list):" prompt to open the folders list (at that moment
> "?" is listed both as "Help" and "list") and pressing <Tab> again brings
> me back to the last mailbox opened.

To toggle between mailboxes you have to define some. Use the mailboxes
command. (section 3.11)

> Is there a way to define a new alias without having a message from
> that address? Or the only way is editing the proper file?

That's the easiest way.


Debug is human, de-fix divine.

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