* Thomas Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000809 13:14]:
> On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 12:38:21PM +0200, GianPiero Puccioni wrote:
> > Yes, this is true. But if I put a line in muttrc that says
> > 
> > bind pager \e[F bottom 
> > 
> > where \e[F is what vi's ^V put in (with \e instead of ^[) it should work
> > whatever the terminfo. Or am I missing something? 
> is that (n)curses or slang?
> (if the former, mutt isn't using that string per se)
> -- 
> Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am not sure as I used the RPM found at mutt.linuxatwork.at, but
looking inside the executable with 'strings' gives "libncurses.so.4", 
so I suppose it's ncurses. I checked the terminfo entry for "end" and it
seems right:

infocmp xterm |grep end 
   kcud1=\EOB, kcuf1=\EOC, kcuu1=\EOA, kdch1=\E[3~, kend=\E[F,

On the other hand xterm-color has it wrong but TERM is set to xterm so
unless mutt switches to xterm-color when using coloring it shouldn't
matter and in addition to that it has khome wrong too, and <home> works.

Other programs (like tin) that use libncurses.so.4 have no problems with
<end>. So I can't understand what exactly is the problem, and if I can't
use the sequence given by the key (why?) what can I do to fix the

Thanks for the help.

*  Istituto Nazionale di Ottica                        GianPiero Puccioni  *
*  Largo E.Fermi 6                            E-Mail :         [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
*  I-50125  Firenze - ITALY     Tel +39 055 23081  -  Fax +39 055 2337755  *

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