* Lars Hecking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000816 11:12]:
> This is controlled by a number of variables listed under 2.5. Forwarding
> and Bouncing Mail in the mutt manual.
> Personally, I only use
> set mime_forward=ask-no
I'm still not "getting it". I have mime_forward set as you do to
ask-no. I didn't have mime_forward_rest set so it should have defaulted
to "yes" (I tried setting it explicitly to "yes" and had the same
Perhaps I'm not asking the right way (or it's so obvious that it
wouldn't/shouldn't work the way I want that my question isn't clear).
I expect mime_forward to control whether the original message is attached
as a MIME attachment (if yes) or included in the first text part (that
is edited by the editor).
I then would have thought that mime_forward_rest would control whether
other attachments in the original message would be included as
attachments in the forwarded message.
If I want to forward a message with attachments it seems that I need to
save the attachments, forward the text part and then reattach the files
before sending. Is this really the only way to do this?
Thank you,