Leonid --

...and then Leonid Mamtchenkov said...
% Hello All,
%   I am using mutt and really enjoying it ;-)  there are though couple of


% things I cannot figure out yet (sort of).

Bummer :-)

% 1. For printing messages I am using "pr -o 4 -W 72 | lpr".  The problem is

Dunno about this; sorry.

% 2. All my mail is in several mail folders (mbox type).  What I cannot find
% out how to do is how can I copy a message with the default destination
% being somefolder.saved, while reading message in somefolder.  Any hints?
% I guess I have to do something with sent-hooks, but I don't know what.
% And I want this rule to apply to all of my mailfolders.

It sounds like you want an mbox-hook setting, which sets the default save
folder for all messages on a per-mailbox basis.  See the manual.

% 3. When reading messages in somefolder, and saving attachments, I want the
% default destination be somefolder/attachmentfilename.attachmentextension.

The default folder is simply where you started mutt, so you might 

  - start mutt in that folder each time and save normally

  - whip up a macro to change the working directory from within mutt
    (though I doubt that this will really work)

  - pipe your messages through a script that changes to the proper
    directory and then runs munpack to extract the attachments (I have
    one which also sets the umask to 022 since I use it to extract to a
    dir available by web browsing); you could even whip up a folder-hook
    that sets your extract-through-script macro to pass the foldername as
    an argument to your script so that it can cd to a variable place

% Thanks in advance.


% -- 
%  Best regards,
%  Leonid Mamtchenkov
%  System administrator
%  J.F.Services Ltd. (Limassol, Cyprus)

David T-G                       * It's easier to fight for one's principles
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