On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 08:36:53AM -0400, Hardy Merrill wrote:
> I'm trying to "select" messages in my "sent" folder - I'm trying to
> follow instructions in the manual for regular expressions.  Here's
> what I'm trying to use:
> ~d [MIN]-[MAX]  messages with ``date-sent'' in a Date range
> and below that it ways
> *) The forms <[MAX], >[MIN], [MIN]- and -[MAX] are allowed, too.
> so since I want to tag everything with a "sent" date less than
> Jul 7, I entered "shift-T", and it asks me to enter the pattern
> to tag, so I enter
>   ~d <[5 Jul 2000]
try ~d -7/7/2000
(~d -7/7 works too)

Mutt manual, section 4.2.3



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