Whoa! All the important mail I am getting is going through all the
filters and passing to the end and defaulting to MAILDIR. The rest, such
as mailing lists, which I could give a rat's ass about, end up in mbox.
So my important mail, non-work, is dumped to my MAILDIR spool. See.

If I am still not making sense. Beat me with an axe.


I couldn't verify your key on pgpkeys.mit.edu

did you read of the pgp issue on slashdot???

On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 03:25:31PM -0400, David T-G muttered:
| Jason --
| ...and then Jason Helfman said...
| % On Mon, Aug 21, 2000 at 09:06:58AM -0400, David T-G muttered:
| % | % 
| % | % So those mails are coming in via mbox, and anything that passes through
| % | % all the filters, comes to the last filter and gets passed to a default
| % | % of MAILDIR format. My spool.
| % | 
| % | Hokay.  Any particular reason, or do you just want to have a maildir so
| % | that you can say you do?
| % 
| % Well I just don't like having every mailbox with a directory structure
| % of new cur and tmp?
| I'm kinda confused...  If you *don't* like the new-cur-tmp dirs, then why
| are you using maildir?  Maybe I'm confusing maildir and mh, though.

/Jason G Helfman

"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always
been in your possession."

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