There has been some discussion on comp.mail.mutt about using color in a
telnet window to access mutt. This was something I was working on, so I
thought it might be useful to set out where I am at, what success I have
had and where I still have questions. After getting some feedback I will
put this up on my mutt web page.

First, some background. I run mutt on an old RS6000 running AIX 3.2.5.
Due to difficulties of power here in the tropics and airconditioning
problems, I leave the machine in the University machine room asnbd acccess
it from my PC in my office, or from student computer labs when teaching
or from home via a Mac and a modem. Thus I use several systems. On the
office PC I have used normal Windows telnet but this is most boring.

Two other telnet systems have been suggested: putty and teraterm. I can
not see that putty supports color but I could be wrong. Has anyone used
putty with color?

teraterm works fine and I now use it as standard. However it appears to
need mutt with ncurses rather than slang. Has anyone figured out how to
get color with mutt using slang under teraterm? I would really like this
so I can get color with slrn, but that is off topic here.

With ncurses I came across a bug that has been discussed here and on
comp.mail.mutt. ncurses 5.0 does not lead to a mutt compile that
supports color. I have seen various suggestions about getting around
this, but the only one that made sense to me was to upgrade to ncurses
5.1. The terminfo with this version supports teraterm, so there is no
need to add the entry that has been posted here or the one that comes
with teraterm. I did add the termcap that comes with teraterm as vim as
the editor for mutt appears to need it.

So in the end getting teraterm to use color is quite simple. 

On the Mac I use Microphone to connect to my machine. This does not
support color. Does anyone have any suggestions how I can support color
when connecting from a Mac?

All suggestions welcome.

Regards, Brian.

Associate Professor Brian Salter-Duke (Brian Duke) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
      School of Biological, Environmental and Chemical Sciences, SITE,
Northern Territory University, Darwin, NT 0909, Australia.  Phone 08-89466702. 
Fax 08-89466847

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