On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:56:08AM -0700, Dale Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I'm running debian 2.2 woody and I just did apt-get install
> muttzilla and sure enough there was a debian muttzilla package, which
> apt faithfully installed and set up. Trouble is, there's no man page
> (like I'd read it anyhow..) and when I call a mail-to url in netscape,
> it just brings up the regular netscape mail program. Oh, I'm using
> netscape 4.75. Can anyone shed any light on this for me?
> thanks

    You probably have to set up your preferences file.  The muttzilla
home page should have more information:

 "Testing shows the presence, not the absence, of bugs."
   -- Edsger W. Dijkstra, University of Texas

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