On Sat, Sep 23, 2000 at 10:19:17AM -0400, David T-G wrote:

> ... and my fear is that, once such a change were made, the text-only 
> mutt would suffer if not go away entirely. That would really suck 
> for me, for instance, since I do my mail over an ssh vt100 
> connection (and pround of it! :-)

Not necessarily. Most of the functionality could be implemented in a 
common backend, and the frontends where just "stupid" displays...
I do (believe it or not) use mutt over ssh, and wouldn't want to start
using X11-forwarding just to read mail...

> Could what you suggest be accomplished or approximated through a few
> macros here and there combined with multiple term windows running mutt
> under a windowing system? 

Most likely. But that still wouldn't let people to render bidirectional
text or make tagging any easier. 


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