On 2000.09.26, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Lukas Schroeder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyways, besides this beautiful '!' next to the message, does a set
> important flag of a set of messages trigger any additional useful
> functionality like easy switching via repeated TAB-punching or
> something?

Sure, if you say:
    macro index <tab>  "<search>~F<enter>" "Find next flagged message"


TAB finds the next (N)ew message by default.

I also have a "color" line to highlight my flagged messages in red, and
this procmail rule to process messages the sender tagged as urgent:
        :0 f
        * ^(Importance: High|Priority: Urgent)
        | ${FORMAIL} -I "X-Status: F"

Now when PC users make a message important, it comes into my mailbox in
red with the "!" on.

 -D.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        NSIT    University of Chicago

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