On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 09:03:51AM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> I've been mumbling about this for ages and I really think it needs
> fixing or the addition of a command to get back to one's 'home'
> folder.

On a slight tangent, that perhaps is not adequate for your purposes:

The sequence c (change folder) ? (bring up list) c (chdir) =
($folder shortcut) takes you back. Not that it's very clean, but it
is something that could be implemented with a macro, I guess.

The *problem* with such a generic solution is that '=' adds a trailing
'/' to the $folder variable, and the folder index therefore doesn't
recognize the 'mailboxes' that apply, so flags are not set correctly.
This can be fixed by hitting c (chdir) and deleting any trailing '/'
that exists.

- Bruce

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