Hal Burgiss muttered:
> Should the below not work? I could swear it used to ;) Recently even.
> Despite much playing with this, I cannot get the header to handle the
> exceptions.
> unset use_from
Don't know why you do that, but according to the docs it shouldn't
hurt. It might be worth testing without this line, though.
> send-hook . 'my_hdr From: Hal Burgiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
> send-hook redhat-list 'my_hdr From: Hal Burgiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
These _have_ to work. If they don't, I'd suspect that there is
something else disturbing. Just copy / pasted your send-hooks into my
mutt - they work. Please post your whole muttrc.
The goal of Computer Science is to build something that will last at
least until we've finished building it.
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