On Tue, Nov 07, 2000 at 12:13:23AM +0100, Martin Schweizer wrote:
> Hello
> How can I see the above files with mutt(1.0.1i) on a FreeBSD-Box (4.0) without
> StarOffice?
> Thanks in advance.

If you don't mind using X-programs, but like me only dont want to start 
this beast StartOffice you can try AbiWord for .doc files and
(under gnome) gnumeric for xls files. Works great for me. Just that 
AbiWord doesn't display Word2000 very well yet, but maybe i need to upgrade.

For text only i use wvHtml for .doc files. I don't have anything for xls 
that can display on text only terminals.

And if you dont mind spending money you could also have a look at 
a program called QuickView Plus, which i run at work under solaris. That's 
really great and supports a lot of M$ files! Dunno if that works 
for linux though.

  pgp: http:://www.houtsma.net/~jan/openpgp.asc
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              /  /    /  /    /  /  Jan H. Houtsma
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            /  /____/  /____/  /    1216 HH Hilversum
     ___   /  _____   _____   /     Netherlands
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