Hi all!

On Tue, 07 Nov 2000, Jan Houtsma wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 07, 2000 at 12:13:23AM +0100, Martin Schweizer wrote:
> > Hello
> > 
> > How can I see the above files with mutt(1.0.1i) on a FreeBSD-Box (4.0) without
> > StarOffice?
> If you don't mind using X-programs, but like me only dont want to start 
> this beast StartOffice you can try AbiWord for .doc files and
> (under gnome) gnumeric for xls files. Works great for me.
For me too (despite of missing table support in Abiword).

> For text only i use wvHtml for .doc files. I don't have anything for xls 
> that can display on text only terminals.


Office filters:

Word processors:

Converters in general:

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Let's not complicate our relationship by trying to communicate with each other.

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