On Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 06:40:33AM +0930, Brian Salter-Duke rearranged the electrons 
to read:
> On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 02:08:43PM +0100, Erwin Kaiser wrote:
> > In the manual I read about sending mail via mixmaster but I cannot activate
> > this feature. How does it work?
> > TIA Erwin
> Did you compile with mixmaster enabled? Look at "mutt -v" to see whether
> you did. If not look at "./configure --help" and recompile. 
> Which mixmaster do you have? If 2.9 see my patch notice of about 16
> hours ago. mutt currently only works with 2.0.4 as the very latest
> manual states.

First thank you for your hint!
Second: I'm not an experienced code writer so excuse me: what exactly do I
have to do with the patch I found on your website? I'm just making
mix-29beta8. And _then_ I have to run the perl script you offer? And this
will change the program main.c to work with mutt. Right? 

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