Friday, December 01, 2000 (CS:5.48.336) 00:43:56 [AM] (+0100)
Daniel González Gasull [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote...

> Hi all.
> I posted to mutt-users my script  I have
> fixed an important bug in it.  Here is the new
> version.  Enjoy.

Greetings Daniel,
yes, thats what i meant. Thanks. Signing Messages works now, sending keys works
too, but sending encrypted messages failes, because those messages get the 
content type application/octet-stream and your script looks for

I solved the problem for me by changing my procmailrc like this
:0 fBw
* ^-----BEGIN PGP
* !^Version: GnuPG
| ~/.mutt/
so no gpg-crypted message will be piped to your fine! 

CU mh
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Linux - its only limit is its physical environment
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PGP signature

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