I currently run mutt in two different situations:
1. on my home machine (linux) in a transparent Eterm window
2. ssh-ing into my home machine from a Windows box.

When I'm home, I set all my background colors to "default" so that the
transparent Eterm effect works in X.  However, when I'm on a Windows box
and I ssh into my machine, the "default" background color causes
problems.  The "current message" bar's colors bleed into the next item
in the message index, and when viewing in the pager, the header colors
bleed into my message text.

To solve this issue, I set the background to "black" when I ssh into the
box and everything color-wise is ok.  This works because I don't need
the transparent backgrounds when I ssh in.

But now, based on where I am, I constantly have to rename my
.mutt_colors file (which is "sourced" by my .muttrc) depending on
whether I'm using ssh or whether I'm local, running under X.  This is
very frustrating.

So who's at fault?  Is it mutt for not using slang/ncurses correctly?
Is it slang/ncurses not being able to handle the default color?  Is it
my ssh client not supporting the correct terminal type?

Nathan Cullen

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