On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 11:58:29AM -0500, Ethan wrote:
> i really love mutt, but fellow netscape users complain that my line length is too
> long.  How can I make it so it wraps after 72 characters?

Does Mutt support RFC2646 flowed text?

With Format=Flowed text, Mutt should automatically reformat the lines so
that they are shorter than 80 chars (72 chars is suggested in the RFC)
when the mail is sent. 

If Mutt doesn't currently support flowed text, could I request it as a
feature for a future version?

Format=Flowed really comes into its own when displaying quoted text. If
your message was sent flowed, people on 80 char terminals would not see
the word "too" as being unquoted above. The nice thing is that people on
40 or 120 column terminals would also see the text as being perfectly
quoted, as the quoted text would be wrapped automatically to fit the
width of the terminal with extra '>' characters sprinkled in as needed.

Short answer: use vim with set tw=72 and type 'gqip' whenever things get
a littly unweildy.


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