Thomas Duterme wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm pretty new to mutt, but I love it so far.
> My one problem: I'd like to eliminate, or reduce headers at least in my mailboxes. 
>Actually, I'ld like to if possible just keep the basic headers like Subject and From, 
>rather than get the entire envelope.  Is this possible?
> TIA,
> Thomas

If you mean you want to reduce what is displayed in the pager, then
you'll want to take advantage of Mutt's header weeding.  Check out the
sections of the manual dealing with that topic, especially the 'ignore'
and 'unignore' commands, the 'weed' variable, and the
'display-toggle-weed' function.

However, if you mean you want the headers actually removed from the
email, then it sounds like a job for a mail formatter like formail,
probably most conveniently invoked from a mail processor like procmail
as the messages are coming in, (that's how I do it, anyway.)

(BTW, good form requires you to limit your line length to less than 80

        -- Mr. Wade

Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation

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