I use mutt.  I love it.  It's easily the best-of-breed as far as
mailers go, gui or not.

I do most of my work in terminal windows, or at the console, so I tend
to use a text-based browser quite a bit (in addition to the fact that
it's REALLY fast to browse with no graphical overhead).

I'd used lynx, then found links, which I'd been using for quite some
time, until this weekend I tired out w3m.  I was floored.  Nice mouse
support that doesn't interfere with keyboard commands, and support for
the scroll wheel! That's a heckuva lot more than most console apps,
and it's VERY impressive.

I read quite a lot of "long" mail messages through mutt - it would be
nice if it had this kind of functionality - but I'm unsure if it's
even feasible to suggest implementing it.  I'm no programmer (outside
a spot of perl and a bit of php now and again), so
comments/flames/etc... would be appreciated =)


Brent Bourgoine                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Geek Code Version: 3.1
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K w--- O M- !V PS+++ PE Y+ PGP++ t+ 5++ X+ R(++) tv(+) b+++ DI++++ D++
G e h r++(+++) y?(+++)

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