I have tried to select url in mutt on KDE terminal and i get menus
automatically and I click to Nescape to open it but it don't do to open it.
I try to mozilla but same also.
What wrong with that?
I also can't use F1 on KDE Terminal but on Gnome Terminal can open mutt

On Tue 04/06/2001 at 09:41PM +0100, Viktor Lakics wrote:
> Well, the closest thing to what you want is KDE+konsole+mutt. That
> is how I use mutt, runnig it in the kDE terminal. When I have an
> email displayed in the pager which contains an URL and you select it
> with a mouse (under konsole you can do it), you get a popup window
> automagically with menus for all of your installed browsers and
> clicking on one of them will open the URL in that browser...
> I realize that this is VERY KDE-specific solution, but hey, you have
> to have a desktop...:-)
> The other solution would be hittig e, which gives you vim
> (hopefully) and from there it is just a matter of a macro to start
> your browser with the URL under the cursor (you can use python,
> perl, ruby whatever for writing that macro...) If I will have some
> time I will write it up...
> Hope this helps... -- Viktor 

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