I've been using mutt for some weeks now. Originally, I found the
colors to be most helpful in some cases and a distraction in others.
Early on I made some changes to suit my own old eyesight and left
the headers for later.

Now I've decided the only headers I need to see are 'from', 'date',
'reply-to' and 'subject' - with 'subject' made to stand out and so
be easy to see.

In .muttrc, I used:-
ignore *
unignore date from reply-to subject 

and also :-
color header blue default ^Subject
color header black green ^From

This gave me what I desired, plus, something I do not need,
a 'ghost' line in the form of (for this list) - 'From
mutt-users-owner-<my email address@ and the details of 
Return-Path and the full date and time>' .  When I say 'ghost'
line, it looks something like the old typewriter correction fluid
in action - you can just read what's underneath. 

I still have kmail on this box, and when I bring up the 'full
headers' for sample messages there is no 'From' in exactly
the same form.

I notice in /etc/Muttrc amongst the weeding of header fields,
there is:-
ignore "from" received message-id etc etc

Can anyone please explain to me what is happening and what I can
best do to get rid of the 'ghost' ( I was patting myself on the back
with the way messages are now displayed for reading etc until I
noticed this, and now it's the first thing my eyes alight on!!)     

Thanks,     John.

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