John Arundel [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Mutt manual, section 3.11: "Defining mailboxes which receive mail."
> "Pressing TAB in the directory browser will bring up a menu showing the
> files specified by the mailboxes command, and indicate which contain
> new messages.  Mutt will automatically enter this mode when invoked from
> the command line with the -y option."

Ok, now I feel like an ass.  =)

Just a suggestion, you may want to make it so that the
capitalization is always uppercase in the manual, since
in some places it's TAB and some it's tab.  I saw it
referenced as "tab", so that's what I grepped for.

Ben Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /
The devil's in the broad, sweeping generalizations.

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