Viraj Alankar [mutt-users] <11/07/01 17:08 -0400>: 
> 1. Sometimes I CC quite a few people and before mailing the message mutt shows
> only one line for CC and chops off any addresses that don't fit. Is there any
> way to expand this to more than 1 line?
Don't wrap the lines and that won't happen.  Use shift - j to join lines

> 2. I receive mail as different addresses. For example, say I receive mail at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] When I reply to this message, I would like my From: to
> be [EMAIL PROTECTED] Likewise for other addresses. Is there an easy way to
> do this?
$alternates in muttrc (see the manual)

> 4. How can I apply a specific sorting method to one folder only. For example,
> if I want my sent mail folder to sort by date-received, but all other folders
> to use thread. I know about the folder-hook, but how do I revert to the old
> sort method when going to another folder?
Use folder hooks - and then you can unhook the folders

> 5. Where is the proper place to get the development version of mutt? I notice
> on the FTP site there is the snapshots directory and devel. Which one should
> be downloaded?
Either.  You can use cvs snapshots or full devel versions

Suresh Ramasubramanian + Wallopus Malletus Indigenensis
mallet @ + Lumber Cartel of India, tinlcI
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin

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