On a lark I installed the Ximian Gnome desktop yesterday, on top of a
prexisting KDE install (RH7.0, mutt 1.2.5i).  Now everything is FUBAR.
Most of the problems are OT, but what would cause mutt to suddenly go
haywire in this fashion: in the index, the <ENTER> key stopped working
(it wouldn't bring up the pager, or do anything except uncollapse
threads); the help screens (in all modes) suddenly came up completely
empty (just ~ marks); and hitting 'e' brought up a "problem opening
/tmp/blah" error.  I looked in /tmp & found several large (88M) files of
the form "<random alphanumerics>.gz", but they weren't real gzips.  I
rm'd these files, and now mutt seems to work correctly again (except for
of course being back to an 80 X 24 console).  I'm a beginner at
Unix/mutt/etc., but up to this point I've run into very few problems
that weren't at least vaguely intuitable.  Can you offer any clues?


Peter Horst

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