On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 08:17:55AM +0200, Christoph Maurer wrote:
> The Problem is not PGP, but Outlook.

Ah? New to me ;)

> I defined two macros in my muttrc, so I can encrypt and sign
> messages in a way MS Outlook (and a lot of other Windows Email
> Clients) understand:

That's what I did too ... but mine look different. Yours work better,

> The problem about this solution is that you'll have to know whether the
> recipient of your mail uses a PGP/Mime capable MUA (which are only
> mutt and Eudora AFAIK) or not.

That's not really a problem. Of most of the folks I share mails with I
know what they're working with.
> PGP/Mime has great advantages so I do not understand why so many
> MTAs cannot deal with it.

I just asked this question to news:microsoft.public.de.outlook - no
response yet. I think they don't really know what they're doing.
Browsing the archive of this group is really shocking sometimes ...

Thank you!


"Windows 98 ist für Weicheier -- richtige Männer arbeiten mit Windows 2000."
(Peter Ehrbar in daf, leider mit falscher Message-ID)

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