On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 08:44:01AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> Steve --
> ...and then Steve said...
> % I'm having a problem finding the relevant entry or `how to' in the
> % manual on doing the following:
> % 
> % mapping check-mail.
> Hmmm...  I'm not exactly sure what you mean, since I can't find a
> check-mail function anywhere.  I see that you're using 1.3.21, so you
> probably don't even mean check-new, which was in 1.2 but isn't in 1.3
> (or so it seems to me, but I haven't followed the 1.3 tree much at all).
> Can you give us more detail or rephrase the question?

Sure in my pager, at the bottom is a listing showing unmapped funtions -
check-mail is one of them.

> % 
> % I've found how to alter an already mapped entry, but not how to ceate
> % one. Suggestions?
> If you mean creating a new function, then you need to whip out your
> editor and compiler :-)
> You can bind any function to any key, be either already bound or not,
> with a simple :bind command (or in your muttrc file).

Ok I tried to do this from within mutt, as the manual says one can do to
*re-map*, so logically I figured one could *map* unmapped keys as well.

Well I would think a command to check for new mail, would be basic. Am I
missing something here? For some reason with my configuration, I have to
do an operation before mutt tells me there is new mail, it doesn't tell
me if I leave it sitting static. So when looking through the pager to
see what the key command would be to check for new mail, I see that at  
it's unmapped - but mentioned specifically. Surely one can map this
command from within mutt similar to remapping?

I guess I'm overlooking something obvious - just can't see the forest
for the trees at this point? <g>

Steve - Toronto ICQ 35454764
'If you're not a rebel when you're 20 you've got no heart; if     \ /
 you're not establishment when you're 30 you've got no brain.      X
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