Using 1.2.5i on linux.
I downlaoded some mail archives, normally this works fine, just
put them into my archive folder, fire mutt on it and voila.

Now however this does not work, mutts index keeps black (no it
is not black text on black bg ;) ) although the status lines
already indicates the correct size, but no messages counted.

The headers contain these lines
From xxx
Date: bbb
From: xx
Subject: aaa

I thought, this should be enough but apparently it is not. And
also vim does not recognize this file as a mail file.

I tried already to add some other headers to see whether I can
get this working somehow before running it through any processing
but no chance. So I would appreciate if someone has an idea what
to keep my eyes on. Thanks.
Erika Pacholleck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mutters: insert vowels of last name

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