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On Sat, 22 Sep 2001 at 23:15:44 -0400, David T-G wrote:
> ...and then Jens Paulus said...
> % On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 11:41:18PM +0200, Jens Paulus wrote:
> % > On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 09:21:52AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> % > > Hey, rot13 is cool.  Now for a rot13 filter in vim :-)
> % >=20
> % > >From the vim helpfile:
> %   ^
> % Hey, this is bad: what I just experienced is that after the transmission
> Well, yes and no...  It's an escape to prevent your mail agent from
> thinking that it's the start of a new message.
> % of my mail I see that there is a quotation character just before
> % 'From ' (...  the vim helpfile). I didn't put it there and it
> % doesn't come from David. Obviously the software thinks that there
> % should be a distingtion
> That's included by the MTA by design when it's delivered.
> % to the mail separation From_ line in mbox format and inserts the
> % quotation character itself automatically. I wonder if there is a way
> % to
> Sure; switch to a mail folder format that doesn't require it.  I hear
> that maildir is good.

I switched over to Maildir a few days ago, because i liked the idea of:

- Not having to worry with locking.
- One message per file, so less chance of catastrophic corruption.
  Plus, i can go:
        $ grep foo * | xargs rm
  and such to process messages using shell commands.  Neat.
- No From_ quoting or other such hacks involved.  In fact, Maildir
  doesn't seem to use From_ lines to begin with.

I can highly recommend Maildir so far.  All that was involved in the
switch was:

1. Append a `/' to all folder names in my .procmailrc, as in:
        * ^Delivered-to: mutt-users@ns\.gbnet\.net
   This tells procmail to use Maildir.

2. Add `mbox_type=3DMaildir' to my muttrc.  Not strictly required, as mutt
   will auto-detect a mailbox's type, but mutt will make all new
   mailboxes Maildir now.

3. Migrate my old mailboxes by renaming them to `foo.old', then going
   into them and saving them all back to `foo', creating a Maildir in
   the process.  (Is there a more convenient way to do this?)

> % avoid that. I just made an other test with an other sentence and the
> % same result. Let's see what happens.
> %=20
> % >From heaven to earth.
> % >From alpha to omega.
> As expected :-)

Those showed up without >'s here in the original message. :-)

Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal thought is:

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