Rob 'Feztaa' Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[About random signatures in Mutt]
> Well, this is a bit (a lot?) OT, but here is the line in my .muttrc:
> set signature="~/.random_sig/ ~/.random_sig/my_sigs|"
> (where my_sigs is a file in the same format as the fortune files, and
> is a script to read that file and print a random one of
> them. I won't bore you with the actual script, though :)

Ah, thank you. Hmm... one thing I don't understand; why there is 
a pipe after the filename where your script picks up the signature?
Or is it part of the filename or what? :-)

>> I would use KMail if I would think it to be better than Mutt, but you
>> can do a lot with KMail.
> I would use whatever I thought was the best. And I do ;)

This is exactly what I do, as well. What a surprise, huh? ;-)
Well, seriously - I like Mutt. I like Mutt a lot. Actually, I haven't
tried many other MUAs, because I have been so overly happy with Mutt.
Glad to try other agents, of course. If it's for console, that is. 
X software is not for me. :-)

Jussi Ekholm,               "Everything is so fine it could be
a little, ill flower         don't let your mind take you in misery
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          all the feelings you're not so much pleased   they're just to take you to sweet harmony"

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