> I didn't want to set up sendmail, either, just to send out emails. I found
> this sweet little utility:
> http://www.muquit.com/muquit/software/smtp_pl/smtp_pl.html REALLY easy to
> use, and believe me, I set this up when I was in a stupid and lazy kind of
> mood. :) I definitely did not want to tackle sendmail, that seems like a
> really big hammer for only one user. YMMV.

What about putting some tips for those programs into mutt's manual? It looks
that this feature is frequently wanted by users, and if we don't want to
implement it, we should at least help users a little more to install something
simple which will do the job.


                                Petr "Pasky" Baudis

UN*X programmer, UN*X administrator, hobbies = IPv6, IRC
Real Users hate Real Programmers.
Public PGP key, geekcode and stuff: http://pasky.ji.cz/~pasky/

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