
* Thomas Roessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [01-11-22 01:45]:
>On 2001-11-21 16:27:15 -0800, Greg Steele wrote:
>>When I use <esc>k to attach a public key to an email, what is it 
>>attaching? Is it in a form that someone can put it into their 
>>keyring? It does not seem to be in ascii armor form.
>Normally, it should be (like with this message).  
Please explain the following.

Reading your mail, I get the following lines as output:
[-- PGP-Ausgabe folgt (aktuelle Zeit: Thu Nov 22 13:08:46 2001) --]
gpg: Unterschrift vom Don 22 Nov 2001 01:45:13 CET, ? Schlüssel ID CE6AC6C1
gpg: Schlüssels CE6AC6C1 von wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net wird angefordert ...
gpg: Schlüssel CE6AC6C1: Nicht unterstütztes Public-Key-Verfahren
gpg: Schlüssel CE6AC6C1: Nicht unterstütztes Public-Key-Verfahren
gpg: Schlüssel CE6AC6C1: Keine gültigen User-IDs
gpg: dies könnte durch fehlende Eigenbeglaubigung verursacht worden sein
gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg:          ohne User-ID: 1
gpg: Unterschrift kann nicht geprüft werden: Öffentlicher Schlüssel nicht gefunden
[-- Ende der PGP-Ausgabe --]
("Unsupported Public-Key-method", "No valid user IDs, could be caused
by missing self-certifiction")

When I try to import the key, I get:
gpg: ASCII-Hülle: Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
gpg: Prüfsummenfehler; 70ff6a - dc370f
gpg: read_block: read error: Ungültiger Schlüsselbund
gpg: "quoted printable" Zeichen in der ASCII-Hülle gefunden - möglicherweise
 war ein fehlerhafter E-Mail-Transporter("MTA") die Ursache
gpg: import from `/tmp/mutt-acp1130-659-107' failed: Ungültiger Schlüsselbund
gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 0
("Checksum error; 70ff6a - dc370f", "Invalid key ring", '"quoted
printable" characters found in ACSII armor - maybe caused by a
defective MTA.')

I never had much problems with GPG, so I don't know much about
bugfixing it.

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
        - Benjamin Franklin

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