On 2001-11-22 13:17:46 +0100, Thorsten Haude wrote:

>gpg: Schlüssel CE6AC6C1: Nicht unterstütztes Public-Key-Verfahren

This could be because I'm using an RSA key.

>When I try to import the key, I get:

>gpg: ASCII-Hülle: Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
>gpg: Prüfsummenfehler; 70ff6a - dc370f
>gpg: read_block: read error: Ungültiger Schlüsselbund
>gpg: "quoted printable" Zeichen in der ASCII-Hülle gefunden - möglicherweise
> war ein fehlerhafter E-Mail-Transporter("MTA") die Ursache
>gpg: import from `/tmp/mutt-acp1130-659-107' failed: Ungültiger Schlüsselbund
>gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 0
>("Checksum error; 70ff6a - dc370f", "Invalid key ring", '"quoted
>printable" characters found in ACSII armor - maybe caused by a
>defective MTA.')

How did you try to import it?

Thomas Roessler                        http://log.does-not-exist.org/

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