Paul --

...and then Paul Brannan said...
% On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 02:59:31PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
% > ...and then Paul Brannan said...
% > 
% >   mutt -v
% > 
% > show you?  Do you have dotlocking available?  It looks to me as though
% The relevant portion of mutt -v indicates:

Well, that makes dotlocking look good...

% I tried using mutt_dotlock on a test file in my home directory (as


% suggested in the other thread), and it successfully created
% testfile.lock; mutt_dotlock -u testfile successfully removed the file as
% well.

And this was from your NFS client box?  Interesting.  I wonder why mutt
doesn't pick it up, since ...

% I've never used fcntl before, but a simple test application yields:
%   fcntl: No locks available

... it looks like the problem is fcntl locking failing.

% The program looks like this:
% This same program works in /tmp (which is non-nfs; the first run the
% program produces no output, and the second run the call to open()
% fails).

Sounds right.

% Perhaps this is a problem of the client being able to lock over nfs but
% the server not?

I don't know *that* much about locking, so I don't know what works where
and what doesn't.  It sounds like the case, though.

% > If you want the messages to be deleted when you sync, set it to "yes" in
% > your macro; if not, leave it at "no" and forget about the macro.  If you
% > want to be asked then just set it to ask-no and forget about the macro,
% > and when you usually don't want to delete (like when you change folders,
% > IIRC) just hit return twice (once when you find and choose your mailbox
% > and once to take the default "no").
% That seems like such a hack, and is awfully inconvenient.  How do most

That's funny...  Your going back and forth with $delete sounds like a
real hack to me :-)

% other mutt users handle deleting and purging messages?  Does anyone else
% actually use delete=no?

I can't answer for anyone else, but I have delete=yes but have rebound q
to sync because I got tired of accidentally quitting (and marking old and
all of that) when I just meant to sync.  I rarely change folders but
instead have umpteen copies of mutt running in screen windows -- many of
which are started directly by screen's rc file, which means that when I
exit mutt the window dies, too, and I have to restart and retitle it and
so on.

Rene, since starting to use mutt I've never wished delete was set to
ask-yes, but I sure hated mark_old (though I want stuff marked old at
times) :-)

% Paul

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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