On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 07:24:00PM -0500, David T-G wrote:

> % suggested in the other thread), and it successfully created
> % testfile.lock; mutt_dotlock -u testfile successfully removed the file as
> % well.
> And this was from your NFS client box?  Interesting.  I wonder why mutt
> doesn't pick it up, since ...
> % 
> % I've never used fcntl before, but a simple test application yields:
> %   fcntl: No locks available
> ... it looks like the problem is fcntl locking failing.

Yes, I thought the same.  I was wondering why mutt couldn't figure out
that the fcntl failed.  

My only guess (without looking at the locking code), was mutt asserted
that a lock would work since NFS was mounted *without* the 'nolock'
option I gave in my last email.  Seems a little odd to assume that,
though. :)


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