According to David T-G on Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 07:31:30AM -0500:
> Eric --
> ...and then Eric Smith said...
> % Well I am not sure what you call that information bar above the
> % pager.  But would it not be useful if the names of the
> % attachments of the current email were listed there - 
> % or is there another view in mutt that may achieve this.
> You could hit 'v' to view attachments and see the entire list of them.  I
> don't know of a way to access the name(s) of any attachment(s), though.
Too fiddly and slow - with many attachment I want to scan them on the index
> % 
> % You feel silly when there are things that mass mua's do, that
> % must cannot?
> No; I figure MUAs weren't supposed to do those things ;-)
Well email was not originally meant to be used for commerce,
nor was the entire internet for that matter.
Thre are no rules (in my book) just convenience and getting
things done quicker, easier, better.
(Geek executives arise :) )
> % 
> % Or must I put the attachment names into the Subject: myself with
> % procmail/formail?
> That's one way to do it, as long as you don't mind trashing your subject
> line.  If I were to try this I'd probably create an X-Attachment-List:
> header that I could view in the pager instead.

Nah, thought of that but as I said I want it in the index line
- I wont trash the Subject line just concat to it - I can also
  put the original Subject line into an X-Subject-orig FWIW
> % 

PS. interesting quote character ;)

Eric Smith

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