On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 02:50:44PM -0500, David T-G 
> % subject.  The question mark denotes a missing reference.  So if a
> This I also understand -- but it seems to be too over-the-top.  I've been
> known to clear out everything except a final useful message deep in a
> thread -- and so I have a single message with a zillion question marks in
> front of it.  Ick, even though I can see that it has missing references;
> it's not even part of a thread any more, though!

This is what $hide_missing is for.  Set it.  But for getting rid of long
rows of question marks within a thread, I'm working on code that will
make hide_missing do that too.

> I created a little test mailbox which can be found at
>  http://mutt.justpickone.org/mutt-build-cocktail/box-threads
> for identical playing, and it seems to expose at least one problem as
> well as raise some questions.
> I've taken the liberty of cutting off the end of the sample displays
> so that I don't overflow the line length, but when I open this little
> mailbox with 1.3.23 I get the expected
>   ->    1 ns-  Nov 30 Thomas Roessler >#002< [Announce] mutt-1.3.24i i
>         3   -  Dec 07 Thorsten Haude  >#007< Re: A couple of probably 
>        10 r -  Dec 08 Nicolas Rachins >#004< Re: scripting/batchmode
> 'cuz I have 'exec collapse-all' at the bottom of my muttrc file.  When I
> open this with 1.3.24, however, I instead see
>   ->    1 ns-  Nov 30 Thomas Roessler >#002< [Announce] mutt-1.3.24i i
>         3   -  Dec 07 Thorsten Haude  (  26) ?->Re: A couple of probab
>         4 r -  Dec 07 Thomas Hurst    (  29) |-?->Re: A couple of prob
>         5   -  Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  18) |   |-?-?-?->
>         6   -  Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  29) |   |     `-?-?-?->
>         7 r -@ Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  16) |   `-?->
>         8  sF  Dec 08 To Mutt Users'  (  54) |       `->
>         9  s-@ Dec 08 Prahlad Vaidyan (  42) `->Re: A couple of probab
>        10 r -  Dec 08 Nicolas Rachins >#004< Re: scripting/batchmode
> and wonder why the second thread isn't collapsed and if it has something
> to do with the missing reference at the top of the thread.  If I open
> that thread in 1.3.23 I see

I'll look into the thread-collapsing thing.

>         1 ns-  Nov 30 Thomas Roessler >#002< [Announce] mutt-1.3.24i i
>   ->    3   -  Dec 07 Thorsten Haude  (  26) Re: A couple of probably 
>         4 r -  Dec 07 Thomas Hurst    (  29) |*>
>         5   -  Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  18) | |->
>         6   -  Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  29) | |->
>         7 r -@ Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  16) | `->
>         8  sF  Dec 08 To Mutt Users'  (  54) |   `->
>         9  s-@ Dec 08 Prahlad Vaidyan (  42) `*>
>        10 r -  Dec 08 Nicolas Rachins >#004< Re: scripting/batchmode
> and we see that, while a couple of items were attached by virtue of
> subject (though Prahlad's message, interestingly enough, did not appear
> to have any missing refs according to 1.3.24 above), the threading looks
> manageable and appears in the same order.

Prahlad's message does have a missing parent in the new display: it's
the missing parent that's at the top of the thread.

> I'd prefer to have $hide_missing hide *all* of the missing reference
> indicators and give me a display like in 1.3.23 -- all of the clips above
> are with $hide_missing set!

Hiding all the missing messages will make the thread display less
comprehensible, since things that aren't siblings will be grouped
together in a way that looks like they're siblings, but they won't be
sorted in the right order, the next-subthread command et al. will work
in a strange way, etc.  I think I know how to achieve a happy middle
ground.  Patch coming, hopefully later today.


Daniel E. Eisenbud

"We should go forth on the shortest walk perchance, in the spirit of
undying adventure, never to return,--prepared to send back our embalmed
hearts only as relics to our desolate kingdoms."
                                        --Henry David Thoreau, "Walking"

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