On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 12:44:09PM -0500, Samuel Padgett wrote:
> I sometimes ssh into my machine from work and use Mutt.  The
> connection through the firewall, however, is, uh, a bit tenuous
> and often gets dropped.  Sometimes this happens when I am
> composing a message.  Is there a good way to recover these
> compositions and pick up where I left off?
> I'm using Vim as my editor.

Depending on how vim was terminated, you might be able to use 'vim -r'
to recover the file.  See the man page.

A better way to handle this is to run screen on your work machine.  Then
when your connection drops, simply re-logon to your work machine, run
'screen -r' to re-attach the screen session, and pick up where you left
off.  Everything will be just as it was when the connection dropped.  It
is _so_ nice!  See



Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   | Spokane, Washington, USA
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ |

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