Ken Weingold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> vim -r will give you a list of recoverable temp files.  Rarely fails
> me.

Yes, but then how do I actually send the message.  Cut-n-paste
into a new composition buffer?

I was hoping Mutt had some facility to notice /tmp/mutt-* files
that are unsent and allow you to resume composition--something
like what Gnus does.  If Emacs crashes while you're composing an
email in Gnus, the message is automatically stored in a "drafts"
group.  It then only takes a few keystrokes to get back to exactly
where you were.

The dropped connections happen often enough for me that
cut-n-paste becomes a real nuisance.  [ Unfortunately, the real
problem--the unreliable network connection--is out of my control
:-( ]


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