Jeremy, et al --

...and then Jeremy Blosser said...
% On Jan 08, David T-G [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
% > % 1. use the new check-traditional-pgp command from the index on a message 
% > %    that has an old-style pgp signature
% > % 2. note that the 's' flag appears to indicate the presence of the signature
% > % 3. view the message, with pgp_verify_sig=no
% > % 4. note that the 's' becomes an 'S', even though no verification has taken
% > %    place
% > 
% > ... if you'll send a traditional-style message I'll check it out and
% > report.
% attaching one of Derek's that I still have around...

*snort*  Lazy!  Now I have to go to all of the work of detaching it
somewhere...  Sheesh ;-)


- When I just hit return to view the message without any prep, I of
  course see the signature in the body.  Also as expected, when I hit
  esc-P the index view changes to add an 's'.

- When I read the message (with $p_v_s=yes) gpg runs and verifies the
  signature and I get the standard gpg output at the top of the body.

- When I go back to the index I still have 's'.

- Exiting and starting again, this time manually setting $p_v_s=no, is
  not only, admittedly, faster to open the message but I do indeed get
  an 'S' -- even in my little $pager_index_lines window the veritable
  instant I view the message.  The only gpg stuff I get, meanwhile,
  are the BEGIN and END lines.

- Just for fun, bailing and then going through the steps above without
  the restart in the middle yields the same results ('' to 's' to 'S'),
  and (just as when I tried it before bailing out of session #2 above)
  even setting $p_v_s=yes again does not change the 'S' back to 's'.

I trust that this provides you sufficient detail...

% > Note that viewing *this* message did not change the 's' to 'S' even
% > though I have verification on and the signature was good because I have
% > not signed my copy of your key.  I expect the same behavior with the
% > traditional method, of course.
% Well, if I try to verify *your* message, it does change to an 'S', even
% though I haven't signed my copy of your key. (?)

How very interesting.  OK, I conclude that I have no idea what s/S

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Attachment: msg22684/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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