
On Fri, 18 Jan 2002 Francis A. Holop spewed into the ether:
> hello,
> no links on mutt.org for mailing list archives
> so i'll just ask my question...
> i was thinking about counting every single
> mail i send and get.  kind of silly statistics
> that could amaze me when i'm 70.


This isn't a mutt solution, but if you use procmail it is kinda nifty.

Put the following into your .procmailrc :

Any ol' procmail should come with a program called 'mailstat'. Running
this :

$ mailstat -k /path/to/logfile

should show you what you want. It also shows you which mails have been
filtered into which boxes by procmail, and a final total.

> one way i was thinking to do this was:
> for the incoming mail use procmail and
> a generic all matching rule which would
> than increase a variable somewhere.

Well, apparently you _are_ using procmail ...

> the outgoing mail could be counted somehow
> using mutt's capabilities and that's why

Well, as David pointed out, you could just increment a counter, but I
prefer mailstat's output, as it shows me what procmail has been upto
behind my back ;-)

Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        A car with only one working headlight.
                -- "Sniglets", Rich Hall & Friends

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