Michael Elkins wrote:
> I'd be curious to get some feedback on my header caching patch for
> maildir folders (can be found at http://www.sigpipe.org:8080/mutt/). 

(thanks to michael for helping me to get this to compile)... anyway
finally got this to work.  note that you have to put '--enable-cache' in
your configure args.

also, the libdb2 include file on debian didn't have 'db_create' (which
configure uses to test if the db stuff is working);
s/db_create/db_open/g fixed that.. so if you have and older berkley db
include file, you might need to do that.  me figured it out so i think
he is going to put something more generic in the patch perhaps.

the header caching thing seems to speed things up by about double
it does take a fair amount longer the first time (while it's building
the db, i assume)

zugzug% time /usr/bin/mutt -f mail/Trash-010202/
/usr/bin/mutt -f mail/Trash-010202/  1.06s user 0.27s system 69% cpu
1.922 total

zugzug% time ./src/build/mutt-1.3.26/mutt  -f mail/Trash-010202/
./src/build/mutt-1.3.26/mutt -f mail/Trash-010202/  2.32s user 0.44s
system 87% cpu 3.165 total

if i remove the db file, time is:

/usr/bin/mutt -f mail/Trash-010202/  3.15s user 1.06s system 81% cpu
5.163 total

this is for a folder with about 6k messages. the subjective time it
takes to open is a bit longer than the time reported here.

in any event, there's definitely a lot of improvement here.  personally
i think it would be great if this made it into the main source tree
before 1.4, but i realize some people might object to the caching thing.


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