* Matthew D. Fuller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 24. 2002 18:29]:

> Actually, I've found that this:
> if(/^Content-Type: text\/html/)
>     to $MBOXDIR/crap

> catches more of my spam than any other of my off-the-cuff heuristics
> (I mean, like at factor of 2 more, and seemingly more than the rest
> combined). I read through my 'crap' mailbox every few days, and
> pretty much end up just hitting 'ddddddddd....' (granted, for about 5
> minutes, but better

Now, for spam-spam (different than your Aunt's spam ;-)), I use
spamassassin and I've had good results. I have had luck in talking with
a few people that liked to send me HTML email, and I managed to get them
to stop (as in, "you don't do it, you won't hear from me again").

But to make this semi-OT:

For the ddddddd's <g>, I use this, which someone else on the list
suggested a few months ago:

folder-hook spam push 'D.\n'

That way, I just skim over the messages and leave the mbox when I'm

If it catches a friend, newletter, etc, I just add the sender's address
to a file called known.list and use this rule:

# known sender's list
* ? (formail -x From: | fgrep -iqf $PMDIR/known.list)

(By the way, is there a better way to do the above?)

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
If only women came with a CLI.

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