> Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 17:36:28 -0600
> From: Jeremy Blosser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [OT] html email
> On Jan 24, Matthew D. Fuller [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > Actually, I've found that this:
> > if(/^Content-Type: text\/html/)
> >     to $MBOXDIR/crap
> > 
> > catches more of my spam than any other of my off-the-cuff heuristics (I
> > mean, like at factor of 2 more, and seemingly more than the rest combined).
> > I read through my 'crap' mailbox every few days, and pretty much end up
> > just hitting 'ddddddddd....' (granted, for about 5 minutes, but better
> > 5 minutes every few days than a few seconds a few hundred times EVERY
> > day, eh?).  The only false positive I've had it get was a payment
> > confirmation from the telco's online bill payment (in the rare case that
> > it actually works).
> I wonder if you could improve that even more by checking if the message is
> actually addressed to you?

    Like this?
        if(/^Content-Type: text\/html/ && hasaddr([EMAIL PROTECTED]))
            to $MBOXDIR/crap

    X-Warning: had a few beers.

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