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Hello Mike,

 On Friday, January 18, 2002 at 2:34:51 PM -0500, Mike Schiraldi wrote:

> indicator.patch changes the behavior of the indicator bar when it is
> defined as "mono indicator reverse" (the default). [...] With this
> patch, the indicator bar, when set to "reverse", will have a
> foreground color set to the background color that the current message
> would have if it were not selected, and a background color set to the
> foreground color that the current message would have if it were not
> selected.

    This context colored indicator patch seems to have no effect when
Mutt (versions 1.2.5 and 1.3.27) is linked with slang (version 1.4.4).
Tested on 2 different terminals (directly on Linux console and from
Cygwin's telnet), the indicator is simply black ink on white paper as
without the patch.

    I know nothing about Ncurses, not even how to see it's version, but
tried to link with it: The indicator seems to react well. It takes the
reversed colors the current index line should be. But, for an unrelated
to your patch reason, the color scheme of all the screen is messed up:
in foreground what should be white appears black, red appears cyan,
yellow is green, and blue is magenta... Green, magenta, cyan and white
appear correctly. Background colors are also messed up, but not in the
same way. And sometimes changing an item color (let's say "quoted4")
will also change in some way the color of another item (say "status").
What have they put in my glass?

    Quick come back to Slang! And noted somewhere to not try again drugs
too strong for me. ;-)

    Someone knows how to make indicator.patch work with Slang?

Bye!    Alain.

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