On Sun, Jan 27, 2002 at 02:50:16PM -0800, Will Yardley wrote:
> Thomas Dickey wrote:
> > On Sun, Jan 27, 2002 at 02:24:22PM -0800, Will Yardley wrote:
> > > i usually use xterm-color in FreeBSD even though you really shouldn't
> > > ever use 'xterm-color' since color 'ls' only works (AFAIK) when $TERM is
> > > set to this. on linux, i use xterm-xfree86, or sometimes just xterm.

It's trivial to fix this (FreeBSD's termcap is badly-undermaintained).
All you need to do is take the termcap that's part of the xterm distribution,
paste it at the front of your /usr/share/misc/termcap, and regenerated the
termcap database.  Any competant sys-admin can do this.
> > xterm-color is always incorrect for xterm and rxvt...
> > (it happens to work if you don't care much about how well).
> > color 'ls' ignores the termcap and terminfo databases, btw.

I had in mind (having forgotten that FreeBSD has a not-invented-here
mentality) that they'd implemented a copy of the GNU 'ls', and didn't
consider that they may have fixed one problem while introducing another...

>   Use ANSI color sequences to distinguish file types.  See LSCOLORS
>   below.  In addition to the file types mentioned in the -F option some
>   extra attributes (setuid bit set, etc.) are also displayed.  The
>   colorization is dependent on a terminal type with the proper
>   termcap(5) capabilities.  The default ``cons25'' console has the
>   proper capabilities, but to display the colors in an xterm(1), for
>   example, the TERM variable must be set to ``xterm-color''.  Other

it's still wrong even if it's in the manpage (I think I'm more familiar
with this stuff than the ostensible author of this manpage).

> i use Eterm, but haven't had any problems with xterm-color.  i know that
> it's incorrect, but it works for me ok.

you won't get default colors (by anything that relies on the termcap
settings).  hardcoded programs, of course, are not affected.

> if anyone knows a better workaround, let me know.

I haven't been counting, but I'm certain I've mentioned it at least once
a week for the past year.

Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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