I hope this isn't a silly question, I've tried reading in the manual
and fiddling on my own.

I use different colors to mark off different types of email in mutt.
I also use mutt in an xterm (or gome-terminal, or whatever) that's
the size of the screen (on a Debian unstable box, if that matters).

So the problem is, I don't want the current email in the index to be
highlighted with a different color, because then it makes it harder
to tell what kind of message it is. But I don't want to use the little
arrow (->) indicator, because the screen is so wide that I can't trace
all the way across it and keep track of which line I'm on very easily.

So I'd really like to be able to *underline* the current entry, or
perhaps make it bold, or something like that. But I haven't been able
to find a way to do this. If the mono settings could somehow work in
conjunction with the color settings--but in all my experimentation this
has never worked right.

Could someone point me to a place to find out more about this, or give
me a pointer or two, or tell me it can't be done? Thanks!

  --Daniel T.

P.S. Thanks for a great program, by the way. Mutt's marvelous!

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