Michael Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 02/11/2002:
> On Sun, Feb 10, 2002 at 08:30:50AM +0000, Benjamin Smith wrote:
> > Why is this? This is a mutt limitation isn't it, as other
> > ncurses apps (w3m) can colour *and* underline, perhaps this
> > should get placed on a TODO list?
> Try the following patch.  It's a hack that lets you use
> underline when you prefix one of the color names with an
> underscore:
>       color _brightred yellow
> should get you underlined bold read fg on yellow bg.

I wasn't very interested in being able to do underlined colors
until I applied the patch; it's pretty cool.  Is something like
this going to be in 1.4.0?


Morality works best when chosen, not when mandated.
    -- Larry Wall

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